SOS Documents


SOS Installation
SOS Installation V9.4
Mon, 21 Oct, 2019 12:05
SOS User Manual
SOS user manual
Mon, 21 Oct, 2019 12:11
iPharmacy Setup
The attached file shows customers how to set up SOS for iPharmacy
Mon, 21 Oct, 2019 12:01
iPharmacy User Gide
SOS iPharmacy User Guide
Mon, 21 Oct, 2019 12:07
Clean up SOS Backorders
Backorders reset.     --Backorders Insert into proddta.F559004 (ooev01,ookcoo,oodoco,oodcto,oolnid,ooshan) select distinct 'C',sdkcoo,s...
Thu, 4 Feb, 2021 13:19