Supplemental Data - Item Master

CH2 may wish to remove items from the inventory range kept in stock by making items obsolete, however there may be stock on hand which needs to be sold first before the stock type and line types can be updated.

When items are set with ‘U’ use up stock type, the line type is typically set to ‘OH’.

An automated process sets the stock type to ‘O’ once the stock on each branch has been depleted.

Normally the line type remains at ‘OH’.

This process allows CH2 to set a line type “override” for selected items when items become obsolete.

CH2 may wish to have the automated process set the line types to ‘SL’, indicating that the items have simply been removed from the CH2 product range and may be restored to being a stock line at a later date.

The obsolete line type override is set in the Supplemental Data application (P00092) for Item Master. The line type is set at the item master level, so does not need to be set for each branch.

The list of valid line types which can be set in Supplemental Data are listed in UDC 55 LT.


Items may only be assigned to one ‘override’ line type, in the event an item is allocated to line types, the maximum line type by alphabetical order will be applied.

A list of items with multiple Supplemental Data ‘obsolete line type’ records is available on the CR372 “Data Management Exceptions Report”. These should be corrected immediately.