JDE has an application called “Item Notes” (P4016) which is accessed via the Item Master screen from the ‘Row’ menu.

Using this screen, CH2 can create an “Item Message” which will be displayed in the sales order entry screen, CH2 Direct, Gains and various reports including the CR614 & CR629 inventory reports.

The “Item Message” field will replace the text which is currently entered in the second description line.

“Item Messages” have a “type” and effective and expiry dates. If the expiry date elapses, the message will no longer appear on any screens, applications or reports.

Currently there are four types of “Item Messages” available:

• ‘OB’ – Used to flag Obsolete items

• ‘OS’ – Used to flag Out of Stock items

• ‘LS’ – Used to flag Long Term Out of Stock items

• ‘CO’ – Used to flag Constrained items

The ‘Item Message’ field is formulated via a database view and will display a message for the item if an item notes record has been created which is active (where effective and expiry dates are current). The message will also include the expiry date or the replacement item code (whichever is relevant).


“Item Messages” can only be set at the item master level, items cannot have different messages for each branch.

Items should not have more than one ‘active’ item message at any time (where effective and expiry dates are current).