CH2 may wish to consolidate stock holdings of selected items to a single branch and automatically ship all orders

from that branch.

Reasons for this may be to consolidate and manage slow moving stock, manage high cost items, equipment or

supplier request.

Items may be consolidated to any CH2 branch, however an item may only be consolidated to one branch.

Item consolidation is managed via the JDE Item Cross Reference application (P4104).

Item cross reference codes have been set up for each CH2 Branch:

• ‘C1’ – Consolidate items to branch 310

• ‘C2’ – Consolidate items to branch 315

• ‘C3’ – Consolidate items to branch 330

• ‘C4’ – Consolidate items to branch 335

• ‘C5’ – Consolidate items to branch 340

• ‘C6’ – Consolidate items to branch 350

• ‘C7’ – Consolidate items to branch 370

If an item appears in the Item Cross Reference application under one of these codes, all sales orders for that

item will follow item inventory commitments process

• Check the customer default branch for availability, if order can be filled 100%, fill order

• Else, cascade order to designated ‘consolidation’ branch

• All backorders will be assigned to the ‘consolidation’ branch

These rules will apply for all sales orders, including electronic orders and manually entered orders.

Customers on CH2 Direct will see the stock availability at both the default branch and consolidation branch and

they will be warned at checkout if an item is being shipped from another branch.


Items may only be assigned to one ‘consolidation’ branch, in the event an item is allocated to multiple branches,

the lowest branch number will always override all others.

A list of items with multiple Item Cross Reference ‘branch consolidation’ records is available on the CR372 “Data

Management Exceptions Report”. These should be corrected immediately.